If you're looking for a full day of fitness and good times, then look no further!
As a well of a full day of fitness you'll find; food, drink and clothing vendors on the day so you can get some shopping done between workouts. Also, spectators get in free, so bring the family. Happy days!
Ready to sign up? Check out the movement requirements below, choose your category and grab your ticket (ONLY 1 TICKET IS NEEDED PER TEAM).
Scaled categories:
- Full range of motion on bodyweight movements (knees to floor on lunges, hip crease below parallel on squats etc)
- Barbell movements at 40kg (Male) 25kg (female)
- Wallballs 9/6kg
- Kettlebell movements 16/12kg
- Dumbbell movements 15kg/10kg
- Hanging knee raises
- Partner assisted pull ups
- Single skips
NOTE: The workouts are not limited to the above, these are guidelines only to give you an idea of movements that are likely to come up.
RX categories:
- Full range of motion on bodyweight movements (knees to floor on lunges, hip crease below parallel on squats etc)
- Barbell movements at 60kg (Male) 40kg (female)
- Wallballs 9/6kg
- Kettlebell movements 24/16kg
- Dumbbell movements 22.5kg/15kg
- A proficiency in RX movements like: Pistols/ Toes to bar/ Pull ups/ HSPU etc.
- Double unders
- Only one athlete will need to be able to do muscle ups, but there is no guarantee that they will come up. Even if neither athlete has them if you can hit the other standards above then RX is the category for you!
NOTE: The workouts are not limited to the above, these are guidelines only to give you an idea of movements that are likely to come up.
Our 2023 events will bring new challenges but the same good vibes, with the community at the heart of all of our events!
Ready to sign up? Book your ticket today so that you don't miss out. More information will be sent out to you leading up to the event. See you in September!
Note: We operate a no refund policy. Should you not be able to make the event you can pass your ticket onto someone else to use if you wish.
DB weights (RX) = 22.5/15
DB weights (sc) = 15/10
KB Weights (RX) = 24/16
KB Weights (sc) = 16/12
Barbell weights (RX) = 80/50
Barbell weights (SC) = 50/35
Barbell weights (RX) = 50/ 35
Barbell weights (SC) = 40/ 25
Hello athletes,
We hope you're well and happy new year to you all.
Just a heads up that our 2024 Same Sex Pairs event is now LIVE!
It's on the 21st of April and includes RX and Scaled spots for both Female and Male teams.
Tickets are available and the event is already at over 50% capacity (in 2 days of sales) so get in quick!
Find our more and sign up HERE
Hopefully see loads of you there!
Kind regards, Team Volentia.
Good afternoon teams!
I just wanted to to send you all a quick email to say a massive thank you for joining us at our 2023 Same Sex Pairs Throwdown!
Even though we didn't get the usual bright sunshine, we still had an absolutely class day and we hope you did too.
It was epic to see you all cheering each other on throughout the day and giving it everything in the workouts, the pizza and snackies made it all worth it too right!?
Up next is our Same Sex 3's event on the 2nd of July and we would love to see as many of you back as possible! It'll be the same good vibes and challenging workouts, plus hopefully some better weather...
If you'd like to find out more about the event CLICK HERE . You can always grab your ticket before you've found your teammates too, if you want to get one in advance before they all sell out!
Finally a massive thank you to our team of volunteers, they were just awesome and also a special mention to our event partners, you can check them out by clicking their names below:
Ded Pixel Photography (images will be hosted on our events page on Facebook in the coming weeks)
Once again a massive thank you for coming along on Sunday and we hope to see you soon.
Have a great week!
Kind regards, Matt
Hello teams,
Please see below some useful event info for the CrossFit Volentia Same Sex Pairs this Sunday.
Please park at the address below. NOTE: Please do not block the entrance to the car park or entrance to the rear car park. Use the front car park ONLY. Please take all rubbish home, don't litter at the below address. Please do not park in the industrial estate where out gym is, especially in front of or blocking neighbouring businesses. When this happens it causes disruptions and delays in the event.
Stepnell house, Lawford Road, Rugby, CV21 2UU.
0800-0815 Athlete arrival (please do not arrive before 0800)
0815-0825 Athlete briefing and WOD 1 release
0845 WOD 1 starts
1600 Last event finishes
1630-1645 Awards ceremony
Food and drinks:
Food and drinks will be available all day. There will be various protein snacks available upon arrival as well as hot and cold drinks including; Cannonball coffee, a fully stocked fridge of NOCCO, and Barebells protein shakes. We do not sell bottled water but will be happy to fill up your water bottles for you.
The guys at Santinas Woodfired Pizza co will be here serving their amazing pizzas for lunch and throughout the afternoon.
Jack's bakery will be joining us for the first time with their amazing baked goods, you'll all deserve a treat after the workout we have planned (lol).
Please bring a reusable coffee cup. Though we will have some take away cups available, our goal is to stamp these out to reduce our impact on the environment.
The Volentia Cafe will be open all day serving hot and cold drinks, snacks etc.
No Rep UK will be here with their pop up shop showcasing their classic and brand new ranges!
A Huge thank you also to Raze Strength who have provided some amazing prizes for the winning teams. Also to the team at Ded Pixel Photography who will be on hand taking top quality pics for you to enjoy post event.
Heat timings/ schedule:
All of this information can be found on our event page HERE
Finally, a huge thanks to all of you for signing up. We can't wait to welcome you to CrossFit Volentia for this SOLD OUT event this Sunday!
P.s The clocks change this weekend, don't forget!
See you Sunday.
Team Volentia.
Dear athletes,
Thank you to those of you that have added your team captain and completed your registration for our Same Sex Pairs Event.
Unfortunately there are still over a dozen of you that haven't completed your team registration. This is now holding us back from releasing further event info including the schedule and live leaderboard.
Please do this by midnight tomorrow (Thursday 16th) or we will be forced to release the heats without your team on it. This is mandatory for all teams.
It's super easy, you just need to put your partners email in on Throwdown Hub, they will then receive an invite to join your team. If you are not sure how to do this then please CLICK HERE to read a useful help article.
If you have already done this, please check with your teammate to ensure that they have done their part.
Thank you!
Team Volentia.
Hi team captains,
Hope you're good!
If you haven't done so already please login to Throwdown Hub and complete your team registration today. This will finalise your spot and allow us to add you to the live leaderboard.
You'll need to put your parters email in, they will then receive an invite to join your team. If you are not sure how to do this then please CLICK HERE to read a useful help article.
Thank you!
Team Volentia.
Hello teams,
We are very happy to announce that the CrossFit Volentia Same Sex Pairs 2023 event is now sold out !
With the event so close now, it's really important that you now complete your team registration. In order to do this you, the team captain, needs to add your teammate on Throwdown Hub. Once you've added their details they will be able to login, sign their online waiver and accept their spot on the team. This then allows us to finalise your spot and add you to the live leaderboard. If you're not sure how CLICK HERE to read a useful help article. Please do this as soon as possible.
More juicy details will follow this email in the next couple of weeks, until then keep up your hard work so you can bring your A-game on the day!
Team Volentia.
Hi athletes,
Hope you're all good!
Just a heads up that this event is very nearly sold out, so if you have any friends that want to jump on board then let them know to do it ASAP!
Scaled females - SOLD OUT
Male Scaled - 3 Tickets left
Female RX - 6 Tickets left
Male RX - 3 Tickets left
If these don't sell out in the next couple of weeks we will release spaces to many female scaled teams that are waiting for a spot!
3, 2, 1 GO!
Team Volentia
![]() No Rep ApparelVisit website |
![]() Ded Pixel PhotographyVisit website |
![]() Cannonball coffee companyVisit website |
![]() Santinas woodfired Pizza coVisit website |
![]() Raze StrengthVisit website |
![]() Jacks bakeryVisit website |