The Yorkshire Games 2023
Same Sex Pairs - Hosted by CrossFit Hull & Humber
September 16th - Scaled Female and Intermediate Male
September 17th - Intermadiate Female & RX Male
We will be running a classic CrossFit competition and teams will be tested in Weightlifting, Gymnastics and Mono-structural movements, through varied time scales and modal domains.
There will be NO requirement for an individual to complete a specific number of reps, all workouts will allow for reps to be divided between team mates.
Please see the exampes below of weights and movement standards
RX Male: Barbell
C+J 60kg
DL 100kg
Power Snatch 52.5kg
OHS 60kg
T2B x10
Pull ups x10
Bar Muscle ups x5
KB Swings 32/24kg
DB movement 22.5kg
Intermediate: Barbell
C+J 52.5/35kg
DL 80/60kg
Power Snatch 42.5/30kg
OHS 50/35kg
T2B x5
Pull ups x5
Bar Muscle ups N/A
KB Swings 24/16kg
DB movement 22.5/15kg
Scaled - All weighted movements will be set lower than the standard CrossFit Rxd weights. For example; If the Rxd Thruster weight is 30kg/40kg the Scaled weight would be 25kg/35kg and no rig work
-Live DJ
-On site Coffee shop
-Warm-up area
-Free admission for spectators
-Free parking available
-Coffee and snack bar
-Sports massage
-Changing and showers facilities
PRICE - £75 Per Team
CrossFit Hull,
5a Bergen Way, Hull, HU7 0YQ
ICON Nutrition
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Event 1a
2x 4 minute windows
Each athlete to establish a Max Clean and Max Snatch in each 4 minute window.
Score is combined Weight in KGS
Event 1b - Power output
Athlete 1 :45 power output of cleans at chosen weight
:30 change over
Athlete 2 :45 power output of snatches at chosen weight.
Score is Reps X weights
17 min cap
2a -3 rounds
40/30 cal echo bike
40 thrusters 42.5/30kg (Scaled: 20kg)
30 pull ups (Scaled: American KB Swing 12kg)
2b - AMRAP for total colaries
2 scores. Time for 3 rounds and a score for cals at the end
60 Cal row
30 T2B (Scaled: Knee Raises)
60 deadlift 85/60kg (Scaled 50kg)
30 Syncro bar over burpee
60 box jump overs 24/20in (Scaled: Step ups permiited)
30 T2B (Scaled: Knee Raises)
Athletes can slpit how they wish
We wanted to say a massive THANK YOU to all the athletes that competed over the weekend. I won't lie, I thought these local in-house competitions had run their course. Other CrossFit gyms have canceled events and in all honesty, we had the lowest engagement we've ever had since 2017!!
Having said that, I thought Saturday particularly was one of the best atmospheres we have ever had. The Males had a very heavy barbell which saw PB's and multiple reps at new PB's. The ladies ripped through their bars at lightning speed, probably a little light but still great to watch! I will share the finished leaderboards on Instagram and Facebook this afternoon.
Moving into the 2025 season, we are taking the mixed pairs to the Beach, we have multiple categories and also our mixed 4's which is open category for any ability. 2025 BEACH EVENT
As soon as the pictures are edited, I will upload them to our FaceBook page and give you all the heads up
Thank you again, we loved hosting the weekend and you guys smashed it!! If you have any questions at all please drop me an email
Yorkshire Games
We wanted to reach out with news of this years Same Sex pairs. As you attended last year, you will know what to expect and coud you step up to the next division this year ot test yourself??? All the details are below and movement standards can be found on
September 14th & 15th
Scaled Male 14th
Scaled Female 14th
Intermediate Male 14th
Intermediate Female 15th
RX Male 15th
RX Female 15th
As always, we will be programming a fun but challenging day, workouts and schedules will be released one week before the competition, and we WILL run on time throughout the day!
We use the CrossFit Open weights and standards so if you RX’d the Open go RX. If you RX’d one or two go Intermediate and if you scaled… go scaled
See you on the dancefloor!
The Yorkshire Games Team
Hey Teams,
Heres your run through for this Saturdays Mixed Pairs Comp.
Registration and waivers
A big chunk of teams still need to add their partner to the team on throwdown hub, you can do this by logging in to
This is essential as all waivers need to be signed before teams can compete at the weekend. You can also edit teams and team names on here too. Across the weekend all teams will use their team name for scheduling and leader boards.
Timimgs & Scoring
Below are the timimngs for the weekend. Saturday does have less teams competing so will run ahead of Sundays schedule. Your Workouts and Shedule will be live from 6pm this evening on the links below.
We will run on time, please make sure you are warming up when the heat before you goes onto the floor. We have a large warm up area but we still ask only one heat at a time.
We have five scoring events across the day to give teams as much oppotunity to mix the leader board up. The leader board will be live throughout the day on the same link as the schulde and workouts, if you dont have it, please follow the link below.
Food and Drink
We have a coffee shop in our reception serving amazing coffee, we also have GSN meals, protein bars, tray bakes and everyting else you can want. Just a short drive away is a set of local shops if you want anything else across the day
Getting here
Here is a Google link to our exact location, we have loads of parking availble on the site as well as the main road Find us
You are welcome to bring friends and family with you at no extra cost. Dogs are welcome but if you know your dog barks and is nervous is large setting please just think about the guys on the floor, no one wants a dog barking when you can already hear your heat in your ears.
We are looking fowared to seeing you all this weekend for a fun weekend of ADULT P.E.
If you have any questions, please drop me an email
Yorkshire Games team