Yorkshire Games Beach Throwdown

Open Team of 4 Mixed
Bridlington South Baech, Belvedere Parade Bridlington YO15 3QN

After what was such a great event last year we couldnt stop there. 

The Yorkshire Games  - Beach Throwdown Mixed 4's (MMFF)


We will be running a classic CrossFit competition.... Just one the beach.

Teams will be tested in Lifting, Gymnastics (YES we haver a rig on the Beach) and Mono-structural movements, through varied time scales and modal domains.

We haven't set Rx, Intermediate or scaled for this beach event. Team can be mixed abilities and at least one member of the team should be able to do the following movements.

Bar Muscle Ups

Pull Ups 

Dumbbells will be mixed wieghts 22.5 will be the heaviest and ranging down to 10kg

Kettle Bells as above the heaviest will 32 and ranging down to 12kg

Movments to expect....

2/4 man worms/logs 



KB Swings & Snatch

DB Snatch & C&J

There will be NO requirement for an individual to complete a specific number of reps, all workouts will allow for reps to be divided between team mates


-Live DJ 

-Warm-up area

-Free admission for spectators

-Parking available

-Coffee and snack bar 

-Sports massage

PRICE - £200 per team (£50 per person)

Mixed 4's Team ticket Mixed 4's
Event 1
Score: Rounds + Reps 12 minute time cap

12 min AMRAP - Starting at the sea end

16 Sync DB Snatch

8 Sync T2B (Scale 14 Sync Knees - Both athletes must do the same movement)

Partner carry and tag your team (any carry you want)

Mixed 4's Team ticket Mixed 4's
Event 2
Score: Time 15 minute time cap

4 Rounds for time

1x Beach run

20 Sync hop overs

10 Sync sand bag cleans(2 working, 2 holding the worm)



Mixed 4's Team ticket Mixed 4's
Event 3
Score: Reps 11 minute time cap

3x3min AMRAPS with 1min rest


Team America KB Swing (Syncro at the top)

Team Goblet Squats (Syncro at the bottom)

Remaing time -  max Partner syncro pulling gymnastics 

Only 2 working syncro on the rig. Teams can tag in and out at the KBs. 

5 points - Muscle Up 

1 point - Kipping Pulling

Mixed 4's Team ticket Mixed 4's
Event 4
Score: Time 15 minute time cap

10m Walking lunge

15 burpees over 

15 Thrusters

10m Walking lunge

12 burpees over 

12 Thrusters

10m Walking lunge

9 burpees over 

9 Thrusters

10m Walking lunge

6 burpees over 

6 Thrusters

10m walking lunge

3 burpees over

3 Thrusters

10min cap 

at 11min on the clock, team sprint to the sea and back for another score

Mixed 4's Team ticket Mixed 4's
Heat 5
Score: Time 10 minute time cap

Beach sprint 


Afternoon Teams, 

As promised, you have first dibs for the 2025 Tickets - BUY NOW

We have the following options available and you will need email address to register your team on competition corner (No more Throwdown hub!!)

Mixed 4's MMFF - Saturday 5th July 

Scaled Mixed pairs - Sunday 6th July 

Intermediate Mixed Pairs - Sunday 6th July 

RX Mixed Pairs - Sunday 6th July 



Exciting news for 2025!!!

We have confimed dates with the local council and tickets will be live tomorrow.... for you guys only!

2025 adds another day to the Yorkshire Games calendar with the follwoing Beach Throwdown Mixed Pairs added.

Saturday 5th July - Mixed 4's (MMFF) Open division like previous years

Sunday 6th July - Mixed Pairs, RX, Intermediate & Scaled

Further details will be uploaded tomorrow when the tickets go live. 

Keep your eyes pealed, you will have untl Monday when they go on general sale.



Yorkshire Games


Evening Teams, 

On this lovely sunny July weekend........

I have just uploaded all the pictures to our Yorkshire Games Facebook page. Tag, save, screen shot away guys!!!

Yorkshire Games - Facebook

Keep you eyes peeled for September Same Sex pairs and the 2025 Beach Throwdown coming on sale next week!!





Please find the link below for leader board.

2024 Updated leader board




Hey Teams, 

Wanted to start with a massive thank you for all your efforts yesterday. Even with horrible weather, your energy and team work was still amazing!!! 

As mentioned earlier in the week with the schedule, Throwdown Hub has had my life this week!!! We were having issues with the Leaderboard throughout the day. I have now entered everything manually on excel and ranked each event etc.... because of the issues we had, we now have an updated podium.

1st. CrossFit JST 

2nd. Pats Angels

3rd. Resting Beach Faces

4th. Station 14 & Pier Pressue (JOINT)

6th. CrossFit Danum 

Picutures and more vidoes will be uploaded om Instagram and Facebook this week. 

Thanks and apologies for the mess about with this. 



Hey Teams, 

We are having an issue with Throwdown Hub's Heat scheduler so I hsve put one together on the link below which is a Google document. You can download/screen shot it ready for Saturday. 


You will always be in the same heat and using the same lane throughout the day. 



Yorkshire Games


G'Day Teams!!!

Daily Schedule

Heres a brief run through of the day. 

  • 08:00 Athlete Registration
  • 08:30 Athlete Briefing 
  • 09:15 Heat one - Event 1
  • *** See event schedule on competiton live link below***
  • 17:00 Poduims and Thank yous. 


As this is a fun all inlcusive competition, we do have scaling options for all movements and we will go through these at the athlete briefing. 

Events & Schedule 

The events and heat schedules will be live on the live link on Wednesday at 12pm (link below). Please have a read through the events, we are uploading movement standards to the Yorkshire Games instagram page this week. If you have any questions feel free to drop us a message. All events will have a brief on the morning 

The schedules may shuffle around slightly but the heats and lanes will stay the same. We will run on time so please make sure you are aware of heat times and warm ready to hit the sandy dance floor. 

Competition live link

Also, throughout the event the leaderboard will be live on this same link, save this to your homescreens for easy access. 


We still have a few team members missing, team captains need to add using their team mates email address, then team mates must accept this and sign a waiver before competing. 

Getting here

There is a large car park on site, roughly 50m away from access down to the beach. follow this link, onve parked up you will see the railings to access the beach. All day parking

Toilets, showers, drinking water

As we are at the beach, there is a drinking tap located just behind the chalets where the event is been held. Toilets and showers are next to the carpark opposite entrance down onto the beach. These are public toilets but are clean and tidy. 

Chairs and Protection

As we are on the beach, we recommend all athlets bring chairs or blankets to chill out on throughout the day, wind breaks, pop-up gazebos etc would also be useful if you have them. 

Hopefully the sun will be shinning so please bring hats and suncream, I know I sound like a primary school teacher but some of you with ginger skin will burn

If you have any questions, please let me know liam@crossfithull.co.uk

Thanks and see you Saturday. 


The Yorkshire Games


Hey Teams, 

Not long now until we are on the Beach. The Events are all uploaded and will be released on Wednesday at 12pm, we are running through a few final tests tomorrow and will give some hints on Instagram.

Team members must be added by the captain who registered the team, if you would like to change your team name this must be done by tomorrow evening before name cards go for print. 

How to add your team...

1.log in to throwdownhub.io

2. Click on the Beach Throwdown event

3. Press menu (three lines) click - mange team

4. Add team using email address

Further details such as the daily schedule, parking, etc will be sent out on Monday.

If you have any questions please email liam@crossfithull.co.uk



Yorkshire Games

Hi team captains. 

Sorry but i knew you'd open the email if i out that subject title


Hey Team, 

We have an option for you guys to rent your own Team Beach Hut for the day, it would be your space with running water and electric. The Beach huts have a small varander out the front. We have a limit of 20 Beach Huts so act fast if you want one. 

You can reserve your hut on the link below - 

Beach Hut

Thanks guys and ill be in touch in the coming weeks with more details. 


Saturday 13th Jul 2024
Lane 1
Guns and poses
Lane 2
Lane 3
The misfits
Lane 4
Lane 5
Lane 6
Team Ru
Lane 7
Station14 CrossFit
Lane 8
All Chalk No Action
Lane 1
Traps and Flaps
Lane 2
Tuck Thrusters
Lane 3
Beach, please!
Lane 4
Flex on the Beach
Lane 5
Lane 6
Pier pressure
Lane 7
Sandy Bums Massive Guns
Lane 8
Pats Angels
Lane 1
Racks and sacks
Lane 2
Project 4 Pack
Lane 3
Lane 4
Phoenix Fitness
Lane 5
Chalk dirty to me
Lane 6
Danum Crossfit
Lane 7
Sandy Snatches
Lane 8
Team Frenchie II
Lane 1
CrossFit Lacemakers
Lane 2
Lane 3
Athletic Donkey Rides
Lane 4
Lane 5
Team Workhouse
Lane 6
Lane 7
CrossFit Rotherham
Lane 8
Healthy Tasty Already Injured
Lane 1
Bootys & The Beasts
Lane 2
Four battered sausages
Lane 3
Got No Fin Left
Lane 4
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 5
Sexy beaches
Lane 6
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 7
Team Dash
Lane 8
Lane 1
Rob’s Rejects
Lane 2
LN Imps
Lane 3
No pain no glory
Lane 4
CF Hull Booties and the Beasts
Lane 5
Oh My Quad
Lane 6
Man Down
Event 2 Set up
Lane 1
Guns and poses
Lane 2
Lane 3
The misfits
Lane 4
Lions On The Beach
Lane 5
Team Ragnar
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Traps and Flaps
Lane 2
Tuck Thrusters
Lane 3
Beach, please!
Lane 4
Flex on the Beach
Lane 5
Lane 6
Pier pressure
Lane 7
Sandy Bums Massive Guns
Lane 8
Pats Angels
Lane 1
Lane 2
Team Ru
Lane 3
Lane 4
Racks and sacks
Lane 5
Station14 CrossFit
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Project 4 Pack
Lane 1
CrossFit Lacemakers
Lane 2
Lane 3
Athletic Donkey Rides
Lane 4
Lane 5
Team Workhouse
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Phoenix Fitness
Lane 2
High Tides and Good Vibes
Lane 3
Lane 4
Chalk dirty to me
Lane 5
Lane 6
All Chalk No Action
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Rob’s Rejects
Lane 2
LN Imps
Lane 3
No pain no glory
Lane 4
Lane 5
Chippy tea
Lane 6
Lane 7
CF Hull Booties and the Beasts
Lane 8
Oh My Quad
Lane 1
CrossFit Rotherham
Lane 2
Healthy Tasty Already Injured
Lane 3
Bootys & The Beasts
Lane 4
Four battered sausages
Lane 5
Got No Fin Left
Lane 6
Team Dash
Lane 7
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 8
Sexy beaches
Lane 1
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 2
Lane 3
Danum Crossfit
Lane 4
Sandy Snatches
Lane 5
Team Frenchie II
Lane 6
Man Down
Lane 1
Guns and poses
Lane 2
Lane 3
The misfits
Lane 4
Lions On The Beach
Lane 5
Team Ragnar
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Traps and Flaps
Lane 2
Tuck Thrusters
Lane 3
Beach, please!
Lane 4
Flex on the Beach
Lane 5
Lane 6
Pier pressure
Lane 7
Sandy Bums Massive Guns
Lane 8
Pats Angels
Lane 1
Lane 2
Team Ru
Lane 3
Lane 4
Racks and sacks
Lane 5
Station14 CrossFit
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Project 4 Pack
Lane 1
CrossFit Lacemakers
Lane 2
Lane 3
Athletic Donkey Rides
Lane 4
Lane 5
Team Workhouse
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Phoenix Fitness
Lane 2
High Tides and Good Vibes
Lane 3
Lane 4
Chalk dirty to me
Lane 5
Lane 6
All Chalk No Action
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Rob’s Rejects
Lane 2
LN Imps
Lane 3
No pain no glory
Lane 4
Lane 5
Chippy tea
Lane 6
Lane 7
CF Hull Booties and the Beasts
Lane 8
Oh My Quad
Lane 1
CrossFit Rotherham
Lane 2
Healthy Tasty Already Injured
Lane 3
Bootys & The Beasts
Lane 4
Four battered sausages
Lane 5
Got No Fin Left
Lane 6
Team Dash
Lane 7
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 8
Sexy beaches
Lane 1
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 2
Lane 3
Danum Crossfit
Lane 4
Sandy Snatches
Lane 5
Team Frenchie II
Lane 6
Man Down
Lane 1
Guns and poses
Lane 2
Lane 3
The misfits
Lane 4
Lions On The Beach
Lane 5
Team Ragnar
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Traps and Flaps
Lane 2
Tuck Thrusters
Lane 3
Beach, please!
Lane 4
Flex on the Beach
Lane 5
Lane 6
Pier pressure
Lane 7
Sandy Bums Massive Guns
Lane 8
Pats Angels
Lane 1
Lane 2
Team Ru
Lane 3
Lane 4
Racks and sacks
Lane 5
Station14 CrossFit
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Project 4 Pack
Lane 1
CrossFit Lacemakers
Lane 2
Lane 3
Athletic Donkey Rides
Lane 4
Lane 5
Team Workhouse
Lane 6
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Phoenix Fitness
Lane 2
High Tides and Good Vibes
Lane 3
Lane 4
Chalk dirty to me
Lane 5
Lane 6
All Chalk No Action
Lane 7
Lane 8
Lane 1
Rob’s Rejects
Lane 2
LN Imps
Lane 3
No pain no glory
Lane 4
Lane 5
Chippy tea
Lane 6
Lane 7
CF Hull Booties and the Beasts
Lane 8
Oh My Quad
Lane 1
CrossFit Rotherham
Lane 2
Healthy Tasty Already Injured
Lane 3
Bootys & The Beasts
Lane 4
Four battered sausages
Lane 5
Got No Fin Left
Lane 6
Team Dash
Lane 7
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 8
Sexy beaches
Lane 1
Resting Beach Faces
Lane 2
Lane 3
Danum Crossfit
Lane 4
Sandy Snatches
Lane 5
Team Frenchie II
Lane 6
Man Down