Follow the leader style ladder.
30 seconds to hit lift. 30 seconds transition time.
Scoring: One lift per bar. The athlete can choose what lift to hit and will be allocated points for that bar:
Snatch = 3 points
Clean = 2 Points
Deadlift = 1 Point
Male weights: 90 - 100 - 110 - 120 -130 -140 - 150
Female Weights: 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100
NOTES: Any snatch is allowed as long as the bar goes from floor to overhead in one movemement. Any clean is allowed, as long as the bar goes from floor to the front rack in one movement. Deadlift is from floor to full extension. The athlete must wait for the ''good rep'' call from the judge. The athlete can have as many attempts within the 30s as they wish, but will only get one score. If you don't hit any lift on a bar you will be scored 0 for that station. Score is total points accumulated.