4's UP!!
All Work to be completed synchronised with all 4 team mates in a 12 min time cap.
Teams will have 1x 10KG, 2x 15KG & 1x 22.5KG Dumbbell. Teams can pick who has which Dumbbell and this can also be changed at any point throughout the event.
4 Rounds - Moving from Zone to Zone
25x DB Snatch (Sync at the top)
25x DB Goblet Squat (Sync at the bottom)
Once teams have completed the 4 rounds they will run back from Zone 4 and now working in pairs until 12 minutes - Accumulate at many Syncronised KIPPING Pull-ups or Syncronised KIPPING C2Bs as possible in the remaining time. In any pairing and NO Butterfly
1x Pull-up = 1 point
1x C2B = 2 points
Pullling movements will be scored separate