Scale It Up Strength in Numbers 2024

Scaled Team of 4 Mixed
Valesco Fitness Collective, Unit 6/7 Yelverton Road, Brislington, Bs4 5HP

Valesco Fitness Collective Presents - Strength in Numbers 2024 with Beginner and Intermediate catagories.

This is a competition for teams made up 4 team members! Two male* and two female* athletes (*MINT / *FINT)

This year we are rolling two comps into one.

Scale Up Beginner is an entry-level competition for beginners looking to get competition experience, have fun and maybe win some prizes along the way. If you’re new to CrossFit, functional fitness or competing then this is the comp for you! As a beginners catagory, you can rest assured there won’t be any technical gymnastics and weighted elements can and will be scaled (i.e. Wallballs 6kg for Males & 3kg for Females). There really is no reason why anyone wanting to compete can’t get involved!

Scale It Up Intermediate is for those who have some competition experience but feel like they aren't quite at the RX standard. There will be basic gymnastic including Pull Ups, Toes To Bar, Handstands and Double Unders. Weighted elements will be usual weights for a CrossFit Workout (i.e. Wallballs 9kg for Males & 6kg for Females). This really is that great stepping stone to move towards those RX comps. 

The day is comprised of 4 WOD’s with all teams doing all 4, and all team members participating in each of the workouts. There is something for everyone! Workouts are designed to let everyone shine in their areas of strength and push their boundaries in others.

On the day we have a food vendor, great coffee, plenty of snacks and lunch, and the prize stash is well worth winning! Our DJ will be spinning the tunes all day and its an awesome event to get involved in.

Our judges are friendly and supportive and we release the WODs the week before so participating athletes have a chance to game plan and practice them.

A full briefing takes place on the morning of the competition so you can be sure of movement standards and ask any questions you may have.

It takes place on Sunday 13th October. Entry for the whole team is £180. Spectators are welcomed at no charge and with our brand new Brislington location (with even a rig to warm up on) its a competition not to be missed.

Check Out our event FB page here and follow all the lastest news.

Beginner Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's Intermediate Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's
Score: Time 3 minute time cap


Time to complete;

8 x 10m lengths adding 10kg after each 10m sled push.

Beginner - The sled starts with 10kg loaded.

Intermediate - The sled starts with 40kg loaded.

Athletes must take it in turn to push the sled and stay in the same formation for the workout unil all 8 lengths are completed or the 3 minute time cap is hit.

Any uncompleted reps at 3 minutes will encour a 10 second penalty per length added to your time. Only full lengths will be counted.

For example if at 3 minutes your team has completed 6 full lengths and half of the 7th your score will be 3:20.

SIU - Add and additional 20kg at the start of the workout and gain a 20 second deduction from the time taken to complete the workout. The SIU bonus will only be awarded if the workout is completed.

Beginner Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's Intermediate Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's
Score: Weight (kg) 12 minute time cap


12 minutes split into two 6 minute sections.

Weightlifting Complex:

0-6) 1 Male (M) + 1 Female (F): 4 Deadlift (DL) + 3 Hang Clean (HC) + 2 Shoulder to Overhead (STOH)

6-12) 1 M+ 1 F: 2 DL + 3 HC + 4 STOH

The team will sub divide into 2 M/F pairs.

Pair 1 will have 6 minutes to hit a max complex of 4 DL + 3 HC + 2 STOH. At 6 minutes the 2nd pair will have 6 minutes to complete a max complex of 2 DL + 3 HPC + 4 STOH.

The DL must be Touch and Go (T&G), the Hang Cleans must start above the knee but can be squat or power. For the STOH any variation is permissible.

If a Hang Clean or STOH is failed the athlete can reattempt as long as the bar remains off the floor.

Athletes not lifting can assist with changing the weight on the bar.

The bar can ascend or descend in weight as required.

SCORE - The max successful lift for each athlete in KG's

SIU - There is no 'Scale It Up' Option for this workout.

The workout structure is the same for both beginner and intermediate categories.

Beginner Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's Intermediate Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's
Score: Time 9 minute time cap


Beginner Category;

Rounds 1,3 & 5 with M/F pair 1

48 Single Unders (SU) - partner holds bar in Front Rack (45/30kg)

12 Synchro burpees over the bar

6 x 8m Shuttles

Rounds 2,4 & 6 with M/F pair 2

12 x 8m Shuttles

6 Synchro burpees over the bar

48 SU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (45/30kg)

SIU - SU can be scaled up to Double Unders (DU) & / OR the Front Rack hold can be scaled up to 60/40. If 1 or both aspect are scaled up the whole team must scale up ie if the team choose to SIU to DU then no one on the team can do SU.

Intermediate Category;

Rounds 1,3 & 5:48 DU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (50/35kg)

12 Synchro burpees over the bar

6 x 8m Shuttles

Rounds 2,4 & 612 x 8m Shuttles

6 Synchro burpees over the bar

48 DU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (50/35kg)

SIU - DU can be scaled up to Single Crossovers (CO) & / OR the Front Rack hold can be scaled up to 70/50kg. If 1 or both aspects are scaled up the whole team must scale up ie if the team chooses to SIU to CO then no one on the team can do DU.


SIU Bonus - 30 sec time deduction for each aspect of the WOD, from the finishing time as long as the workout is completed inside the Time Cap.

If the workout is not finished the SIU bonus will not be applied.

30 seconds for SIU to DU or CO

30 sec for SIU to 60/40 or 70/50

Description - At the call of 3,2,1...GO! The first M/F pair run out to the field of play and start their first set of SU/DU- these can be shared or done by 1 athlete but for any rep to count the 2nd athlete must have the appropriate weight bar in the front rack position. Both athletes move on to the bar facing synchro burpees. Synchro must be on the jump and chests on the floor. Once the required reps are complete the athletes move on to the shuttles - again, they can be done by 1 athlete or shared. When the shuttles are complete the pair run back and tag in the next pair.

The 2nd pair complete the shuttles first, then synchro burpees then the SU/DU with partner in front rack position before running back and tagging the1st pair back in.

This continues until all 6 rounds are complete or the timecap is hit.

Beginner Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's Intermediate Safety in Numbers 2024 Mixed 4's
Score: Reps 14 minute time cap


Beginner category.

In 14 minutes:

1000m Row + 60 Synchro (2 athletes) Box Jump overs (20) (stepping is permitted)

In any remaining time AMRAP::

60 Synchro DB Snatch (17.5/10)

50 Synchro Sit Ups

40 Synchro Thrusters (30/20)

- 2 athletes synchro, 2 rest - athletes can switch in and out as they like BUT the athlete swapping must run back to the start line to tag in the next athlete

SIU - Weight of the Thrusters increase to 42.5/30kg. All members of the team must scale up but not all members need to complete any thrusters.

Intermediate category.

In 14 minutes:

1000m Row + 60 Synchro (3 athletes) Box Jump overs (20)

In any remaining time AMRAP:

60 Synchro Alt. DB Snatch (22.5/15)

50 TTB (1 athlete does TTB whilst the other is in a dead hang)

40 Synchro Thrusters (42.5/30)

- 2 athletes synchro, 2 rest - athletes can switch in and out as they like BUT the athlete swapping must run back to the start line to tag in the next athlete

SIU - Weight of the Thrusters increase to 60/40kg. All members of the team must scale up but not all members need to complete any thrusters.

All Categories

SIU Bonus - If the weight on the Thruster is scaled up each Thruster will be worth 2 reps so for a completed round of 40 Thrusters the team will score 80 reps. Therefore if a full round of all 3 movements is 150 reps any team who scale up will score 170 reps per round. Full rounds do not have to be completed for the SIU bonus to be awarded.

Description - At the call of 3,2,1...GO! the 4 athletes will run out to the rower and boxes. 1 Athlete will begin rowing and 2 begin synchro box jump overs. Athletes can swap on and off the rower and box jumps as many times as they like until 1000m and 60 Synchro box jumps are complete.

A soon as the row and box jumps are completed the team can move on to the AMRAP. 2 teammates can move out to the field of play for the DB Snatch, Sit Ups or TTB and Thrusters, the other 2 athletes must move back to the start line. Any working athlete can swap with a resting athlete at any time but to do so they must run back to the start line to tag a new athlete in.

In the event of a tie for a podium place the time to complete the Row and Box Jump Overs will be the deciding go fast or go home!


Hey Teams,

We are so super excited to welcome you to Valesco tomorrow and are looking forward to hosting an awesome event.

We are using the throwdown hubs built in leaderboard and the link is here

This means you will be able to follow your placing throughout the day and check out those all import scores.

Eat like Kings, Sleep like Babies and see you bright and early!

Team Valesco


Beginner Category;

Rounds 1,3 & 5 with M/F pair 1

48 Single Unders (SU) - partner holds bar in Front Rack (45/30kg)

12 Synchro burpees over the bar

6 x 8m Shuttles

Rounds 2,4 & 6 with M/F pair 2

12 x 8m Shuttles

6 Synchro burpees over the bar

48 SU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (45/30kg)

SIU - SU can be scaled up to Double Unders (DU) & / OR the Front Rack hold can be scaled up to 60/40. If 1 or both aspect are scaled up the whole team must scale up ie if the team choose to SIU to DU then no one on the team can do SU.


Intermediate Category;

Rounds 1,3 & 5:

48 DU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (50/35kg)

12 Synchro burpees over the bar

6 x 8m Shuttles

Rounds 2,4 & 6

12 x 8m Shuttles

6 Synchro burpees over the bar

48 DU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (50/35kg)

SIU - DU can be scaled up to Single Cross Overs (CO) & / OR the Front Rack hold can be scaled up to 70/50kg. If 1 or both aspects are scaled up the whole team must scale up ie if the team chooses to SIU to CO then no one on the team can do DU.



SIU Bonus - 30 sec time deduction for each aspect of the WOD, from the finishing time as long as the workout is completed inside the Time Cap.

If the workout is not finished the SIU bonus will not be applied.

30 seconds for SIU to DU or CO

30 sec for SIU to 60/40 or 70/50


Description - At the call of 3,2,1...GO! The first M/F pair run out to the field of play and start their first set of SU/DU- these can be shared or done by 1 athlete but for any rep to count the 2nd athlete must have the appropriate weight bar in the front rack position. Both athletes move on to the bar facing synchro burpees. Synchro must be on the jump and chests on the floor. Once the required reps are complete the athletes move on to the shuttles - again, they can be done by 1 athlete or shared. When the shuttles are complete the pair run back and tag in the next pair.

The 2nd pair complete the shuttles first, then synchro burpees then the SU/DU with partner in front rack position before running back and tagging the1st pair back in. This continues until all 6 rounds are complete or the timecap is hit.

See you Sunday!!


Team Valesco.


Sundays Timings

We hope you are all ready for Sunday 13th competition and looking forward to the WOD's that are starting to come out

We wanted to send out the timings for the day below. Exact heats etc will be provided for you on the day but I have outlined the main things you may wish to know below.

Doors Open - 8.30am

Athlete Registration - 8.30am

Athlete Briefing - 9.00am

WOD 1 - 10am

WOD 2 - 11.40am

Lunch Break - 12.30pm

WOD 3 - 1.30pm

WOD 4 - 2.20pm

Prize Giving - 3.30pm

Looking forward to hosting you all on Sunday 13th,

Team Valesco



Beginner category.

In 14 minutes:
1000m Row + 60 Synchro (2 athletes) Box Jump overs (20) (stepping is permitted)

In any remaining time AMRAP::
60 Synchro DB Snatch (17.5/10)
50 Synchro Sit Ups
40 Synchro Thrusters (30/20)

- 2 athletes synchro, 2 rest - athletes can switch in and out as they like BUT the athlete swapping must run back to the start line to tag in the next athlete

SIU - Weight of the Thrusters increase to 42.5/30kg. All members of the team must scale up but not all members need to complete any thrusters.

Intermediate category.

In 14 minutes:
1000m Row + 60 Synchro (3 athletes) Box Jump overs (20)

In any remaining time AMRAP:
60 Synchro Alt. DB Snatch (22.5/15)
50 TTB (1 athlete does TTB whilst the other is in a dead hang)
40 Synchro Thrusters (42.5/30)

- 2 athletes synchro, 2 rest - athletes can switch in and out as they like BUT the athlete swapping must run back to the start line to tag in the next athlete

SIU - Weight of the Thrusters increase to 60/40kg. All members of the team must scale up but not all members need to complete any thrusters.

All Categories

SIU Bonus - If the weight on the Thruster is scaled up each Thruster will be worth 2 reps so for a completed round of 40 Thrusters the team will score 80 reps. Therefore if a full round of all 3 movements is 150 reps any team who scale up will score 170 reps per round. Full rounds do not have to be completed for the SIU bonus to be awarded.

Description - At the call of 3,2,1...GO! the 4 athletes will run out to the rower and boxes. 1 Athlete will begin rowing and 2 begin synchro box jump overs. Athletes can swap on and off the rower and box jumps as many times as they like until 1000m and 60 Synchro box jumps are complete.
A soon as the row and box jumps are completed the team can move on to the AMRAP. 2 teammates can move out to the field of play for the DB Snatch, Sit Ups or TTB and Thrusters, the other 2 athletes must move back to the start line. Any working athlete can swap with a resting athlete at any time but to do so they must run back to the start line to tag a new athlete in.

In the event of a tie for a podium place the time to complete the Row and Box Jump Overs will be the deciding go fast or go home!


Sad to say we have had our caters cancel on us.

Therefore please bring some lunch with you. Tea, coffee, nocco and protien bars are all available. 

We will keep you posted.

Apologies Team SIU



Time to complete;
8 x 10m lengths adding 10kg after each 10m sled push.

Beginner - The sled starts with 10kg loaded.
Intermediate - The sled starts with 40kg loaded.

Athletes must take it in turn to push the sled and stay in the same formation for the workout unil all 8 lengths are completed or the 3 minute time cap is hit.

Any uncompleted reps at 3 minutes will encour a 10 second penalty per length added to your time. Only full lengths will be counted.

For example if at 3 minutes your team has completed 6 full lengths and half of the 7th your score will be 3:20.

SIU - Add and additional 20kg at the start of the workout and gain a 20 second deduction from the time taken to complete the workout. The SIU bonus will only be awarded if the workout is completed.



Hey Athletes,

We hope you are excited for next weeks competition. We are super excited to host you and we do have few team spots left so if anyone is keen but does not have a team or wants to put a team in please do let us know at and we would be very happy to get them involved.

Okay so what you have all been waiting for....the start of the release of the workouts so here we go....


12 minutes split into two 6 minute sections.

Weightlifting Complex:
0-6) 1 Male (M) + 1 Female (F): 4 Deadlift (DL) + 3 Hang Clean (HC) + 2 Shoulder to Overhead (STOH)
6-12) 1 M+ 1 F: 2 DL + 3 HC + 4 STOH

The team will sub divide into 2 M/F pairs.

Pair 1 will have 6 minutes to hit a max complex of 4 DL + 3 HC + 2 STOH. At 6 minutes the 2nd pair will have 6 minutes to complete a max complex of 2 DL + 3 HPC + 4 STOH.

The DL must be Touch and Go (T&G), the Hang Cleans must start above the knee but can be squat or power. For the STOH any variation is permissible.

If a Hang Clean or STOH is failed the athlete can reattempt as long as the bar remains off the floor.

Athletes not lifting can assist with changing the weight on the bar.

The bar can ascend or descend in weight as required.

SCORE - The max successful lift for each athlete in KG's

SIU - There is no 'Scale It Up' Option for this workout.

The workout structure is the same for both beginner and intermediate categories.

Any question please comment on the FB post and we can come back to everyone at one time!



Team SIU

Hello Scale It Up Team Captians,

We hope you are as excited to come and throwdown at the brand new Valesco Brislington as we are to host you. In readiness for the event we wanted to share a few bits of information that we thought would be important in the run up to the day itself.

If you are Facebook please add and follow our page for this event - link here

We will be releasing a workout per day here on the Throwdown Hub and also on our FB page starting on Monday 7th October. If you have questions about the workout please comment on the FB post so we can answer everyone at the same time, as if you're thinking it someone else is likely to be too.

Full running times for the day will be released that week but doors open at 8.30am, Athlete Registration needs to be completed by 8.50am and Athlete Briefing will be at 9am sharp.

Please ensure all Team members are at Valesco Brislington (please be aware we have three in Bristol) by 8.45am at the very latest. 

We are very easy to find and the postcode for Satnav, if required, is BS4 5HP and it's Unit 6/7 Yelverton Road.

There is plenty of secure off road parking but if these spaces are full we ask that you park sensibly around the surrounding quiet roads.

We have 'I Scream Tacos" catering the event this again this year including Vegan, Diary Free and Gluten free options plus cold drinks. We will also be selling tea, coffee, Nocco and protein bars that can be paid for by cash or card inside the gym.

A number of you are still missing athlete information of Team Names need to be confirmed. 

Please can you do this ASAP?

There is an article here: that can help you add your team members if you are unsure how to do this.

Any issues now, or before the day, please email and we will come back to you within 36 hours at a maximum.

We are so excited to be holding the event for you and we look forward to meeting you all on Sunday 13th.

Team Valesco

Hold Tight!

No schedules published yet.
