Beginner Category;
Rounds 1,3 & 5 with M/F pair 1
48 Single Unders (SU) - partner holds bar in Front Rack (45/30kg)
12 Synchro burpees over the bar
6 x 8m Shuttles
Rounds 2,4 & 6 with M/F pair 2
12 x 8m Shuttles
6 Synchro burpees over the bar
48 SU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (45/30kg)
SIU - SU can be scaled up to Double Unders (DU) & / OR the Front Rack hold can be scaled up to 60/40. If 1 or both aspect are scaled up the whole team must scale up ie if the team choose to SIU to DU then no one on the team can do SU.
Intermediate Category;
Rounds 1,3 & 5:48 DU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (50/35kg)
12 Synchro burpees over the bar
6 x 8m Shuttles
Rounds 2,4 & 612 x 8m Shuttles
6 Synchro burpees over the bar
48 DU - partner holds bar in Front Rack (50/35kg)
SIU - DU can be scaled up to Single Crossovers (CO) & / OR the Front Rack hold can be scaled up to 70/50kg. If 1 or both aspects are scaled up the whole team must scale up ie if the team chooses to SIU to CO then no one on the team can do DU.
SIU Bonus - 30 sec time deduction for each aspect of the WOD, from the finishing time as long as the workout is completed inside the Time Cap.
If the workout is not finished the SIU bonus will not be applied.
30 seconds for SIU to DU or CO
30 sec for SIU to 60/40 or 70/50
Description - At the call of 3,2,1...GO! The first M/F pair run out to the field of play and start their first set of SU/DU- these can be shared or done by 1 athlete but for any rep to count the 2nd athlete must have the appropriate weight bar in the front rack position. Both athletes move on to the bar facing synchro burpees. Synchro must be on the jump and chests on the floor. Once the required reps are complete the athletes move on to the shuttles - again, they can be done by 1 athlete or shared. When the shuttles are complete the pair run back and tag in the next pair.
The 2nd pair complete the shuttles first, then synchro burpees then the SU/DU with partner in front rack position before running back and tagging the1st pair back in.
This continues until all 6 rounds are complete or the timecap is hit.