War in the Woods is a competition for same sex pairs, presented by Willpower Fitness.
Returning for the 6th time to Willpower Fitness HQ in South Devon, War in the Woods will test all aspects of functional fitness including weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio. All teams will take part in 4 workouts.
Pairs can choose between Rx and Scaled categories - see movement standards below.
There will be a live DJ, Ascend Apparel and Fitness will be joining us with a range of clothing, and Willpower Fitness' onsite cafe, @thewoodcafe__ will be serving drinks and snacks. Workouts and heat schedules will be released in the week leading up to the event.
Event timings
Registration 08:30 - 09:00
Briefing 09:00 - 09:15
Workout 1: 09:30
End of competition: 16:30
RX movement standards
Clean & Jerk (70kg/50kg)
Snatch (50kg/35kg)
Deadlift (100kg/70kg)
Dumbbell movements (22.5kg/15kg)
Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Toes to Bar
Scaled movement standards
Clean & Jerk (50kg/35kg)
Snatch (40kg/25kg)
Deadlift (80kg/60kg)
Dumbbell movements (15kg/10kg)
Knee Raises
Pull Ups (At least 1 athlete)
FOR TIME (12 minutes):
3 Rounds:
100 Double Unders / 150 Single Skips
40 Sync Overhead Plate Lunge
60 Butterfly sit ups
RX (M / F)
100 Double Unders
Overhead plate lunge: 20kg / 15kg
Scaled (M / F)
150 Single Skips
Overhead plate lunge: 15kg / 10kg
Important information
Movement standards
PART A - FOR TIME (8 minutes):
Athletes work simultaneously, alternating every time Set 2 is completed:
Set 1:
Max Calories
Set 2:
10 Box Jumps
10 Hang Power Snatch
Workout is complete when 150 / 120 Calories on the machine are complete.
RX (M / F)
150 Calorie Echo Bike / 120 Calorie Row
Box jumps: 24” / 20”
Hang power snatch: 40kg / 30kg
Scaled (M / F)
150 Calorie Echo Bike / 120 Calorie Row
Box jumps: 24” / 20”
Hang power snatch: 30kg / 25kg
PART B - FOR MAX WEIGHT (5 minutes)
Each athlete to establish heaviest complex:
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
Important information
Movement standards
PART B - FOR MAX WEIGHT (5 minutes)
Each athlete to establish heaviest complex:
1 Power Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
Important information
Movement standards
PART A - AMRAP (6 minutes):
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 1)
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 2)
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 3)
In remaining time, max reps of…
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 4)
Part B (6 minutes):
20 Sync Burpees
40 Sync Goblet Squats
In remaining time……..
Max Wall Balls
RX (M / F)
Weight 1: 50kg / 35kg
Weight 2: 60kg / 40kg
Weight 3: 70 / 50kg
Weight 4: 80kg / 60kg
Goblet squats: 24kg / 16kg
Wall balls: 9kg / 6kg
Weight 1: 40kg / 25kg
Weight 2: 45kg / 30kg
Weight 3: 50kg / 35kg
Weight 4: 55kg / 40kg
Goblet squats: 16kg / 12kg
Wall balls: 9kg / 6kg
Important information
Movement standards
Part B (6 minutes):
20 Sync Burpees
40 Sync Goblet Squats
In remaining time……..
Max Wall Balls
RX (M / F)
Goblet squats: 24kg / 16kg
Wall balls: 9kg / 6kg
Goblet squats: 16kg / 12kg
Wall balls: 9kg / 6kg
Important information
Movement standards
AMRAP (10 mins)
Athletes work simultaneously, completing 4 alternating rounds of the following sets (each athlete will complete 2 rounds of each set):
Set 1:
12 Deadlifts
12 Over Bar Burpees
Set 2:
14 KB Swings
14 Pull-ups
In remaining time, ascending ladder of…
4-6-8-10…Worm Thrusters (Scaled = Worm Shoulder to Overhead)
8-12-16-20…Toes to Bar (Scaled = Sync Knee Raises)
RX (M / F)
Deadlifts: 100kg / 70kg
Kettlebell Swings: 24kg / 16kg
Worm: Thrusters
Scaled (M / F)
Deadlifts: 100kg / 70kg
Kettlebell Swings: 24kg / 16kg
Pull Ups: Banded if needed
Important information
Movement standards
No news yet.
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