PART A - AMRAP (6 minutes):
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 1)
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 2)
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 3)
In remaining time, max reps of…
10 Power Cleans < 10 Shoulder To Overhead (Weight 4)
Part B (6 minutes):
20 Sync Burpees
40 Sync Goblet Squats
In remaining time……..
Max Wall Balls
RX (M / F)
Weight 1: 50kg / 35kg
Weight 2: 60kg / 40kg
Weight 3: 70 / 50kg
Weight 4: 80kg / 60kg
Goblet squats: 24kg / 16kg
Wall balls: 9kg / 6kg
Weight 1: 40kg / 25kg
Weight 2: 45kg / 30kg
Weight 3: 50kg / 35kg
Weight 4: 55kg / 40kg
Goblet squats: 16kg / 12kg
Wall balls: 9kg / 6kg
Important information
- Splitting the reps however they like, pairs complete 10 power cleans and 10 shoulder to overhead at Weight 1. Once complete, athletes add weight to the barbell and complete 10 power cleans and 10 shoulder to overhead at the next weight. Once they reach the final weight, they complete as many reps as possible, following the sequence of 10 power cleans then 10 shoulder to overhead.
- Teams rest from 06:00 - 07:00 then move on to Part B.
- Partners complete 20 sync burpees and 40 sync goblet squats before moving onto wall balls, with one athlete working at a time.
Movement standards
- Power cleans: The barbell must travel from the ground to the shoulders in one movement. Athletes should not squat below parallel. Repetitions can be touch and go.
- Shoulder to overhead: Athletes can strict press, push press, push jerk or split jerk to get the bar overhead. Athletes must be fully extended with bar overhead and feet in line with hips for the rep to count. When one partner has completed their reps, the bar must return to the floor.
- Burpees: Athletes must touch their chest to the floor at the same time, then jump and clap overhead, fully extended with feet off the floor at the same time.
- Goblet squats: Athletes must squat below parallel, reaching full depth and returning to full extension at the same time.
- Wall balls: Athletes must squat below parallel and throw the wall ball so that it hits the centre of the target. On one partner’s final repetition, their partner may catch the ball without it returning to the ground but they must squat below parallel for their first repetition to count.