CREW Fitness Mixed Pairs Throwdown

RX Intermediate Pairs Mixed
CREW Fitness, 44 Vulcan Road South, Norwich, NR6 6AF

Team up in Mixed Pairs for the 1st CREW Fitness Throwdown!!

Norwich's freshest CrossFit box guarantees exciting workouts to get the heart pumping, with 2x levels of entry; Rx and Intermediate.


  • Multiple workouts and scoring components (inclusive or a final).
  • Cash prize for the winning teams.
  • Swag for all podium places.
  • Team boards.
  • Photographer for those profile pics ;D!


*Subject to change. Exact schedule to be released nearer the event.*

  • 07:30 – Doors open
  • 08:00 – Arrive by for registration
  • 08:30 – Workout demonstration
  • 09:00 – WOD 1 Heat 1… 3-2-1… GO!
  • 15:00 – Podium presentation

Workout Divisions and Standards:

Rx Division:

  • Squat snatch
  • Handstand push-ups (at least 1x team member)
  • Double-unders
  • Rope climbs
  • Toes to bar
  • Bar muscle ups OR chest to bar OR pull-ups
  • Barbell cycling 60/40kg
  • Dumbbell movements 22.5/15kg
  • Kettlebell movements 24/16kg

This division is for you, if you regularly train to Rx standards, have Rx’d the CrossFit Open, or previously competed at Rx level, with no new medical conditions currently preventing you from safely performing the above prescribed movements.

Intermediate Division:

  • Clean & Jerk
  • Single-unders
  • Box BMU OR band assisted pull-ups
  • Box jump (20”)
  • Wall balls (9/6kg)

This division is for you, if you’ve trained in a CrossFit environment for a few months, competed to a scaled level in the CrossFit Open and unable to meet the standards of the Rx category.

The above movements are not guaranteed to feature on the day. Any movements included on the day but not listed above are deemed safe to execute upon meeting the above standards.

Refunds not accepted.

Hold Tight!

No workouts have been released yet!

Hold Tight!

No news yet.

Hold Tight!

No schedules published yet.
